+ Get Access to Every Course I ever Created for $48 a month. Less than a lesson.
What you'll get:
- BodyThinking - Bodymapping course designed for my Training School (usually $597)
- ThinkingBody - Alexander insights for my 2-year training school module (Usually $598)
- ATSuccess - Foundation Course (same course that hundreds of ATeachers have completed)
- How To Teach Groups (an eight part series full of practical suggestions)
- How to Teach Online (with Tommy Thompson, Cathy Madden, Greg Holdaway, Lucia Walker, Sarah Barker & Jeremy Chance)
- Writing Alexander Sales Letters - Parts I & II
- Alexander Work with Businesses - Parts I, II & III (usually $897)
- BodyChance Library (Includes a dazzling array of multiple BodyChance classes led by 5 different Master teachers + 3 one-day public workshops)
- Building Your Email List
- ...and there's even more!!!
Each of these courses can - and have been - purchased individually. However, none include live access to my monthly coaching service.
My live coaching is held on one Tuesday of each month, always at these times:

All sessions are recorded and available immediately in the Membership Library.
Japan time (JST) is ALWAYS the same - 9pm on Tuesday.
However, please check your home town for exact times as daylight saving may change it:
All Sessions are recorded and stored for viewing later.