Become Your Own Therapist
Jun 15, 2018A Dentist does not have to explain what a Dentist does.
However, a teacher of Alexander's discovery is not widely understood. It can be like this:
If your tooth hurts, you go to a Dentist.
If your back hurts - who do you go to?
There are so many who can help with that: Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Masseurs - why, even Pilates and Yoga instructors say they deal with back pain and stiff shoulders. But "Alexander Technique" teachers often don't make that list.
And even when it is mentioned that way - how do we differentiate from everyone else?
We start by telling people that there is nothing wrong!
Well, for a start - you are not A THERAPIST. You are an educator or a communicator.
Yes, your student's back is hurting, and it should be worrying them. Yes, they have a stiff shoulder, and it is perfect that they have an arm that hurts. Tell them that!
Because without their pain - they would not do anything. And they need to do something.
The pain is waking them up. It is their neuro-muscular system letting them know that they are not co-operating with their biomechanical design.
It is time to change.
But how?
We must give our students a constructive plan to deal with all their concerns - and it involves being able to analyse what they do, and show how to manage it differently.
With exact information, you can show your students how to become their own therapists. And you can deal with a staggering variety of physical ailments and problems, without having to be expert at any of them.
Your expertise is in being able to analyse the movement plan - and you can enhance that ability when you know more about the specific ranges and purpose of different joints and muscle groups.
It's a long story - and in BodyThinking you have access to 76 videos giving you detailed instructions on how to include this information in your teaching. Access for life - a teaching resource that will never tire of being used.
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