Climb Every Mountain, Follow Every Stream
Jun 06, 2018I am not an anatomist or someone with a natural born interest in such matters.
It's a mountain of knowledge that I was never tempted to climb, sorry Julie Andrews.
As a boy, I didn't even tinker with my Meccano set - much to the chagrin of my dad. (Next he tried a cricket bat, but I wasn't much interested in that either. Poor dad.)
So when I was first introduced in 1976 to anatomical information by Don Burton at my Highgate school in London, I first wondered what this had to do with human consciousness?
The actor/artist in me questioned the need to learn all this stuff. Why?
But luckily, Don was an exceptionally gifted teacher - like magic, he brought the material alive. We did everything with him - the bones, the brain, the muscles, the nerves. Learning with Don was like climbing a mountain, and following every stream.
It was tough, but the view from the top made the journey worth it. (OK Julie Andrews, I get it now.)
I am sure any musician will say the same: going through your scales; learning notation and how to read; the hours of practising - it's tough. And it's worth it once you start arriving at true artistic expression.
My anatomical "artistic expression" arrived in the form of break-through Alexscovery lessons, where students got empowered through learning the truths of their human creation.
After Don, I continued my studies through the 80s, 90s, oughts and this decade too. However, anatomical information was never a dry learning subject for me - it only made sense when I could connect to my students' needs.
It had to make sense to enhance my teaching skills, and that's how I evolved.
When a dancer would argue with me about holding down her shoulders, it was easy to help her to stop fighting the truth. Pain is your ally in this.
There are no shoulders, something I will write about next.
Or waists, necks and a host of other erroneous notions collected by earnest students from misinformed teachers. Don't be one of those misinformed teachers. Say things that relate to the truth of your anatomical structure.
The best way to do that is to climb the mountain. In this case - my BodyThinking Online course. It's the summation of all my explorations and learnings starting with Don Burton in the 1970s, and right through to today. The fruit of many thousands of lessons and groups where I have discovered how to apply this stuff. It's Alexandrian through and through.
This is NOT an anatomy course.
This is a course on how to understand this kind of material in a practical way so you can use it in your teaching. It is a yearlong course, and it will open many doors and give you insights.
Ask me during my free introduction to enrolling into BodyThinking that I am offering on June 25th at 8 pm London time, 3 pm in New York.
Read more about BodyThinking here.
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