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Intelligent Pain Relief - BodyThinking Style

Jun 20, 2018

Years ago, I had a student who was a Manager of a Post Office in Japan.

He suffered from severe back pain, and his doctors advised he have a lumbar laminectomy to relieve his pain. It involves surgically removing some bone from his spine.

No-one likes a part of their body being removed.

Instead, he asked for advice from his sister. She had been a student of mine and was an accomplished classical violinist playing in a professional Orchestra.

She was adamant:

"Go and see Jeremy!"

(that's me, also known as Chancer)

And so it came to pass that a troupe of people gathered together one beautiful day to give this man his first lesson in Alexander's discovery. There was him, his wife, his daughter, his sister, myself and my wife translating. He wanted to video the lesson, so he had brought his daughter to be in charge of the video camera. Chancer had never given a lesson quite like this one before.

It was like a performance!

I asked him what problems he had with his back pain - and he said that sitting and standing, then sitting for long periods, were his biggest worries. The other was walking - especially carrying anything was a problem. He also had a hard time climbing stairs.

And so I focused on those activities during our lesson.

For him, I used a lot of BodyThinking information. Simple stuff about where joints are, how you transfer weight, the way your brain thinks about this. He got involved in a process of self-discovery, as though he was meeting his Self for the first time.

Soon he found things he was doing to sit and stand from a chair, which had nothing to do with sitting and rising from a chair. My post office manager was waking up to a new reality - and he loved my detailed BodyThinking information about his structure.

Sometimes, people make sense of the work by being about to map things clearly in their brain. He was one of these. Over the next hour, we went through many activities like this - his daughter busy videoing every move, every word.

I never saw him again.

I was surprised, as I thought the lesson went well. He experienced relief from his back pain and was enthusiastic about what he learnt. After a couple of months - out of curiosity - I asked his sister how he was…

"Oh, he's off on holidays carrying his bags!" she exclaimed.

CHANCER: He never had the back operation?

"Heavens no! He watches your video every day."

CHANCER: Every day!? It's an hour long!

"Yes, he watches and practices for an hour every morning."

It's mental power, I have no doubt. And it was the concrete and reliable BodyThinking training that he was repeating every day. He was using that solid reality as the basis of his work on Self.

Later today, I am going to talk about this way of working. I call it "Using the truth to set you free."

And after my talk - and your questions - I will make a great offer on the course of 73 videos I put together as training for you.

It's on soon - go to this link to get the time and link to join us:

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