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She Led Me Into An Unknown Place

Jun 05, 2018

Kie plays the flute, and beautifully too.

She is an attractive, bright student of Alexander's discovery at BodyChance, and yesterday she was asked me:

"I want to play more smoothly in this passage, can you help?"

Kie led me to an unknown place. It's the kind of question a musician might ask their MUSIC TEACHER - so why I am trying to handle an issue like that?!

Typical teaching day at BodyChance.

In my BodyThinking course, you'll discover a way to define movement that lets you easily handle questions like that, without denying the student's wish. Once you get clear about this, you can handle any complex questions from skilled professionals of any form.

Teachers may avoid working with students in highly specialised activities because:

FIRST, they think they need better skills to observe (BodyThinking gives you that);

SECOND, they believe they are not expert enough in the student's profession or hobby.

(Not necessary once you understand the difference between them and you).

Here's a clue - are you watching co-ordination or activity?

Music teachers watch activity plans, Alexscovery teachers watch co-ordination plans. I am an Alexscovery teacher, not a music teacher. Getting clear about the meaning of this - and I have learnt that many teachers don't get it - is one takeaway of my BodyThinking Online course.

Invaluable when working with top people in their field. Like Kie - an orchestral musician. I asked Kie to play for me; first I wanted to watch her scales, then the piece. You'll understand why in a minute.

What stood out about Kie's playing was the immense difference between the way she coordinated to play scales and the way she coordinated to play the bumpy passage.

The first was clearly defined, the second she punctuated with all kinds of extra movements - which I took to be the "bumps" in her playing.

The lesson took off from there - by exploring how she was thinking to play scales, and how she was thinking to perform her piece.

What was the difference?

Ask me during my free introduction to enrolling into BodyThinking that I am offering on June 25th at 8 pm London time, 3 pm in New York.

Even if you don't enrol, you'll go away with ideas you can use. Read more about it here.

(If you purchases BEFORE the event, I'll give you an extra month of 6 coaching sessions, worth $297.)

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