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The Alexander Technique is A Nonsense Concept

Jun 11, 2018

There is no Alexander Technique. That's a kind of nonsense concept.

That's like saying that the reason light, matter and energy do what they do is because Einstein invented it. It's the Einstein Technique - which is a nonsense concept too.

But I jump ahead - let me start at the beginning…

These days I am writing about my lessons at BodyChance.

It's all part if illustrating how BodyThinking - the ability to analyse movement - supercharges your ability to detect erroneous beliefs in your students (and your Self).

My teaching methodology has been transformed by a thorough working knowledge of bones, joints, muscles and ranges of movement. I wrote that recently…

Then Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen swaggered into my room.

In the form of a revisionist email from a smart ATSuccess member pointing out HOW MUCH MORE there is to movement aside from bones, joints, muscles and rangers of movements.

What about ligaments and tendons for a start?

Yes, yes, yes.

I've always hated ligaments - I mean, who cares? (Unless you tear one)

I am SURE they are significant, and I am SURE I would benefit knowing all their names, locations, jobs and other significant facts.

And I don't care.

Bonnie's devoted her life to "Body-Mind Centering"® and although I know very little about it, I know she uses Alexander's discovery within it. 100% I know that. It's why her work, works.

How do I get there?

Whatever Bonnie is doing - and I don't know what she is doing - it rests upon the fact that it is constructive and conscious. Her work involves choices and decisions. This is what FM pointed out - Use affects Functioning. Is it a force of Nature. It is a truth.

Bonnie's effectiveness - as does Alexander's or mine - arises from how well it is aligned with truth. Bonnie doesn't change us, not does Alexander, nor do you - as proud as you may be about your skill. It's the truth that sets us free.

My lessons are excursions into truth, and BodyThinking is one of my primary tools.

My focus is on movement and the thinking that drives it. I don't profit much from knowing about ligaments and tendons or guts - and I have tried.

I am sure I am missing out. I know I am missing out. And yet…

Come along and challenge me on June 25th.

I will lay it out then. Register at the link below…

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